Wednesday, December 21, 2011


An ezine with to little time to make a good header.
***Table of Contents***
1st   : Credits.
2nd   : Introduction.
3rd   : Review of Some Wardialers.
4th   : How to Use a Wardialer to da Max.
5th   : Movie Review (of a hacker movie you may have never seen.)
The 451 Team
===Ownership of===
(In the Binary Ezine version)
All graphics were either made by me or . . .
The SS sign was found on the web.
Jolt cola is owned by the jolt inc. and has no part in the making of this zine!
===Spell Checking===
Blue Heart

***451 H&P***
Content of Introduction
(I) What we are about.
(II) Future sections
This zine is about raw information.  The idea is to supple info that the major hacking zine on hard
copy or otherwise, don't supply.  We don't pretend to be elite hackers.  We do however have an
ambition to learn anything that interest me about computers.  If in order to understand Big Brother
We (or I) must penetrate the beast then so be it.  I (just me) don't believe in hacking to free
information but to protect those who cannot protect them from cooperation and government entities
who wish to act as Big Brother.  I don't write in this issue radical security cracking because I
wouldn't want to cause implicate my self more than I already have.
***Future sections***
We liked to have fictional stories on hacking we will call it hackfiction.  If you have any, send
them our way.  Also any phreaking articles and hacking articles will be but in a section we hope to
be a constant.
Note: I am current trying to encourage my brother to do his zine so half my effort is there.
However, I hope this turns out well.
I hope these answer your questions.
Q: Why did you make this zine?
A: I want to contribute something to the hacker culture.  You see 2600 is so closed mindly liberal
and some articles are below them (no to mention antireligious), 411 is not a pure hacker zine and
PHRACK is snobby.  Instead of whining I choose to do something about it.
Q: How do I submit an article?
A: Write to  The article must be good.  Not unessary swearing or
articles on how to do lame acts of terrorism.
Q: What is a good submission?
A: Anything to do with the hacker culture. Hackfiction, News, How to and good info sources.
Q: Do you get 2600?
A: Out of the dumpster from now on!
Q: How do I get the next issue?
A: To get it soon write to me an article or write on how we can do better .
Q: Who are you?
A: It's a we really. Me and some friends.
Q: Okay who are you guys.
A: You Feds think your smart!

Guide to . . .
War dialers
War dialers are a great tool for looking up unlisted numbers such as unlisted BBS's, company
systems numbers, colleges and gov't systems (better leave those alone).  But I didn't start war
dialing at first because I did not want to get stuck with a lame one, Or one that would stab me in
the back and dial 911.  Also I was worried about the good old Orwellian phones system.  Here are
reviews of these War dialers.  These wardialer were download from . . . expect for A-dialer.
This one is really nice despite these big draws back.  He did mention that the numbers are stored
in the cfg file and the numbers are stored between config numbers.  When he says, don't mess with
the cfg file, DON'T.  I have told you it's few draw backs but it is fast!  I like it.
Is there a pattern to the names?  Anyway this one is really slow, when you find a modem number
It gets stuck for a long time,  Next!
Man hunter
This one must be written is C.  Set the time between the calls to a real lower number than the one
it gives you, a number less than 3.

Guide to . . . 
Using you Wardialer to da max!!!
Ok you got or programed or own Wardialer.  Great now all you half to do is find were to
start.  It actually easier than you think.  First you need to know what you want to target.
===You need . . . ===
1 A phone book
2 Or a list of number like the school's
3 To know what number not to dial such as Fire, Government hotline, police etc . . .
Good times are Weekends when fewer people are home.  On weekdays early morning hours when
people have left home gone to work and when housewives are at the store avoiding the rush during
lunch time that is about between 8:00 and 11:20.
Use school or familiar numbers
If you are at school and note that the number to offices side by side are 0001 0002 0003.  This is
a PBX.
The phone book . . .
Ok your looking for a company that big enough to have a line which might have a number you
Computer can dial up.  Here is the method I've used.  The number was something like, xxx-0025 I
auto-automatically assume that big company has a PBX and I decide to start dialing at xxx-0000
and go all the way up to 0100.  This as worked big time I got two numbers by this method.
===How Not To===
Some of these war dialers have an option to have a few seconds between dials.  Chances are it
okay to do rapid dials in your area and if you wish to do serous war dialing have it wait no slower
than two second wait otherwise you will get calls between your dialing asking  did anyone call.'
However if you really are afraid of the Orwellian phone company, my suggestion is this; do rapid
dials at no more than 25 numbers then stop.  If anyone bothers you, say you were looking for

==Trouble shooting===
* Ok got a dial up but don't know why you get garble. 
1st It maybe you need to lower the baud rate of your modem.
2nd It may not be a computer modem.
**I get a log in then garble
This is a PPP account.

It is not illegal to make a phone call, don't let anyone stop you.  If you do this when most people
are not at home.  You should not bother to many people, if any at all.  Remember wardialing is
only looking for dial ups nothing illegal about that!

Review of . . .
The Greatest Hacker Movie!
My Computer class is getting on the subject of computer crime and we going to see a movie.  He
vaguely describe it and I realized that it was a movie I once saw on PBS.  It is a movie about a
computer nerd who got caught it the middle of a hacker spy ring.  To top that Feds are shown to be
inept hapless techno weenies (whois command was used to comprise CIA security).
The chase begins when a novice computer nerd finds a 75 cents unaccounted for.  He continues to
explore this and soon finds that they are hackers.  On the way he uses numerous techniques and
dauntless determination to finds them, as well as a great deal of help from his friends.  Instead of
this movie making hacking look fantastic it shows it for what it truly is at time shockingly easy.
These hackers used the basic  newbie guide stuff' to get information that they sold for thousands to
the KGB.  However, this movie does not dewel on the victory of the good guy but ends with the
tragic death of one of the hacker the good guy caught.
****« (out of 5)